Tuesday, December 11, 2012

22 Must Haves For Every Enterprise-wide Social Media Deployment by Sprinklr

The Enterprise Social Media Security Reality

“Almost two-thirds of companies surveyed say that social media is a significant or critical risk to their brand reputation; yet 60% of companies either never train their employees about their corporate social media policies or do so only upon hiring. Moreover, 43% of companies have less than one Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) dedicated to managing social media risk.”
Guarding the Social Gates: The Imperative for Social Media Risk Management
(Alan Webber, Altimeter, August 2012)

“Nearly two-thirds of security and risk professionals (64%) have no social media policy in place or if they do, they lack tools to sufficiently enforce and support the policy.”
Manage the Risks of Social Media
(Chris McClean and Nick Hayes, Forrester Research, Inc., November 2012)

Social@Scale Security Checklist

Do you have...?

1. content rules that flag unacceptable outbound content?
2. an approval workflow for outbound content?
3. the legal team involved for outbound content guidelines?
4. a defined escalation process?
5. the ability to track messages from inception to resolution?
6. a way to handle rogue accounts?
7. enterprise-wide, single point password control?
8. a rule to disapprove sending passwords around in Excel?
9. Access Management?
10. a social media policy or guidelines?
11. the ability to treat private messages differently?
12. the ability to integrate with enterprise-wide authentication systems?
13. only tools and platforms that are enterprise-grade security compliant?
14. enforced password guidelines?
15. the ability to differentiate influencers?
16. automated monitoring rules?
17. the ability to retract social messages from a central location?
18. the ability to document internal conversations about social
media situations?
19. the ability to archive outbound content?
20. the ability to archive inbound content?
21. the ability to create audit trails for social media activities?
22. a Social Media Management System that meets your own corporate
security requirements?

To Avoid Common Risk, Compliance, and Governance Mistakes?Download the Security Checklist and to learn more about Social@Scale Security, visit at www.sprinklr.com and follow @Sprinklr